January 2024 DevLog
Welcome to the first DevLog for "The Pipeline Between Worlds"! While our inaugural video may be a brief four minutes, we're excited to share a sneak peek into the current progress of our project. Although this DevLog won't dive too deep into the details, we're here to offer you a concise but intriguing glimpse into our game's development journey. In this short but sweet video, we'll touch upon the key highlights and developments that have brought "The Pipeline Between Worlds" to life so far. So, let's not waste any time and get right into it, providing you with a quick taste of what's in store for this exciting adventure.
"What's up guys? My name is Raymond Anderson and I'm creating my first video game. I've been using Blender ever since I was seven/six-years-old, I can't remember. And that was during (Blender version) 2.79. Back then Blender had a built in game engine, however since then, they have to drop it because it use the GNU General Public License, which required game developers to give the source code to the public whenever they used the game engine to create their games; deal breaker, so no one used the game engine. Since then, several communities have create game engines that you can download and install inside of blender. One of these being the Armory3D Game Engine, which is the game engine I'm going to using on my project. It took a little of troubleshooting to figure out how to get it to work inside of Blender, but once it did, it just blew my mind away of how cool it is. Now I just need to figure out what my game is going to be about. I originally had the idea about a lost puppy trying to find a new owner, however I really didn't like the idea, so I scrapped it. I thought of this new idea of a worried but determined father who is trying to save his daughter from The Pipeline between Worlds. I always liked it when movies had like a space between worlds or a shadow realm. However, I didn't like the feel of the name that it always brought. Also, it would be kind of copyright if I used though terms. So, I create my own term. I came up with the term Pipeline Between Worlds because I'm still learning my pipeline with creating a video game. My goal with this project is to have it done by December so I can showcase it at the Arizona GameOn Expo in like March. I think it's March. Anyway, that's what I have for my new game. I'm going to show some videos about what I currently have. Thank you for watching."